Jun 16, 2012

Shelf Reliance Roundup - My Favorite Posts 6/2 - 6/15

I had such fun sharing on my last Roundup post, I decided to do it again.  I hope you enjoy learning from other Shelf Reliance Independent Consultants as I do!

Photo Credit: Your Own Home Store

Emergency Car Kit from Misty at Your Own Home Store.
Because I really needed one more thing on my To Do list (ha!).  We have a mini supply kit in each car but we discovered on our May camping trip that the matches we have in an old pill bottle, won't light without the box, so obviously it needs some updating.  This article also made me realize that it is a REQUIREMENT to have water in my van in case we get stranded somewhere this summer.  Too often we're running around and have nothing to drink with us.

Photo Credit: Your Own Home Store

 Cooking When the Power is Down from Bridgette at Your Own Home Store.  When we were looking for a home, I specifically wanted a wood burning fireplace for cooking during power outages.  That doesn't work so well in the summer.  I've been dreaming about a fire pit, but this article made me think through the scenarios that we could face.

Photo Credit: Cooking with My Food Storage

Mango Lime Coconut Cookies from Heather at Cooking With My Food Storage.
#1 one reason I saved this post - YUM!  #2 reason - I could make these for Tasting Parties

KHOU Disaster Kit from Becky at The Texas Trainer.  A friend and her family moved to Houston recently and another friend just announced she's moving to San Antonio.  I also have friends, family, and "family" living along the East coast so we keep a watchful eye on Hurricanes around here.  So when I saw this, I immediately thought of all of them and needing to be prepared for hurricanes.  Fortunately, that's one disaster I'm not worried about hitting here.  Although with a hurricane you get more notice than we get with tornadoes.

Photo Credit:  Food Storage Made Easy
Easy Homemade Strawberry Syrup and Jam  from Jodi and Julie at Food Storage Made Easy
My family loves jam so I liked this idea of making it from THRIVE FD Strawberries!  If we were living off our food storage, this would keep my daughters happy with PB&J sandwiches.

French Vanilla Crepes with White Chocolate Strawberry Mousse from Kelsey
I LOVE crepes so I can't wait to try this recipe!

Photo Source: Why Just Eat When you Can THRIVE?

Mini Chicken Pot Pies by Lindsey at Why Just Eat When You Can THRIVE?
This recipe makes the Pancake Mix much higher on my THRIVE Q shipments!  And they would be great for a Tasting Party.


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